




select语句执行顺序:from - where - group by - having - select - order by

1.创建数据库:CREATE DATABASE dbname

2.删除数据库:DROP DATABASE dbname

3.创建新表:create table tbname(col1 type1 [not null][primary key],col2 type2[not null],…)

4.删除新表:drop table tbname

5.更改表:alter table tbname

(1)增加一个列:alter table tbname add column colname type
(2)添加主键:alter table tbname add primary key(colname)
(3)删除主键:alter table tbname drop primary key(colname)
(4)添加列:alter table tbname add colname type
(5)删除列:alter table tbname drop column colname

6.创建索引:create [unique] index idxname on tbname(col…)

7.删除索引:drop index idxname

8.创建视图:create view vname as select statement

9.删除视图:drop view vname

一般语句:select * from tbname (where condition1 and condition2)
查找消除取值重复的行:select distinct sno from tbname
select * from tbname where sname like '王%'【sname为姓名,% 代表任意长度(长度可以为0)的字符串】
select * from tbname where sno like '13_0322'【sno为学号,_ (下横线) 代表任意单个字符】

insert into tbname values (value1,value2,…)
insert into tbname (col1,col2,…) values (value1,value2,…)

12.删除:delete from tbname where condition

13.更新:update tbname set colname=value where condition

14.排序:select * from tbname where condition order by colname [asc|desc]【升序|降序】

15.输出结果(前n行):select (top n) sno,sum(grade) as ‘总分’ from tbname【sno为学号,grade为成绩】
查询结果集输出到新表中:select sno into newtbname from tbname where condition


如:select sname from tbname1 where condition1 UNION select cname from tbname2 where condition2【满足表一中条件一并且满足表二中条件二的】


select sex,count(*) as ‘人数’ from tbname where condition group by sex [having condition]
select sno,avg(grade) as ‘avg of score’ from tbname where condition group by sno having avg(grade)>60 order by ‘avg of score’

18.两表联查:select * from tbname1 full (outer) join tbname2 on joincondition[e.g. tbname1.a=tbname2.c]

19.子查询:select sname from tbname1 where sno in (select sno from tbname2 where condition)